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Archive Server Software


Archive Server

DSPCon’s Archive Server is a powerful storage system capable of archiving large amounts of data from DSPCon data acquisition systems and compatible third-party products. Based on proven data management hardware and software technologies, it combines fast data storage capabilities, flexible data cataloging software and 2 Gigabit-per-second Fibre Channel interfaces or standard Ethernet to link data archive access computers to a hierarchical management system with virtually unlimited capacity. The system is capable of storing up to 20,000 Terabytes of data on-line and an infinite capacity off-line!

The Server’s Archive Catalog Browser software provides robust, secure access to data, even from remote locations, along with capabilities to search, organize, and analyze data in powerful ways. Hierarchical storage of data files on hard disk and tape is accomplished utilizing fast RAID technology. The Archive Server is compatible with any third-party systems designed to support DSPCon’s open archival storage interface software standards.

For additional information on our Archive Server System,  click here

Archive Data Manager

For those data archiving applications that do not require server capabilities, DSPCon offers the Archive Data Manager, an innovative software utility that works in conjunction with third-party tape back-up components or as a stand-alone tool.

When used in conjunction with a third-party tape component, the Archive Data Manager creates tape archives of the recording data contained in the repositories that it manages and retrieves data files from tape. It is compatible with MS Windows 2000 Tape Backup Utility™ as well as MS Windows 2000 Removable Storage Manager™. It uses these utilities to archive files in MS Tape Format, on a wide variety of media, and to organize and manage all tape media.

When used as a stand-alone application, the Archive Data Manager organizes and schedules automated transfers of recording file sets from recording disks to Windows NTFS repositories, where they are accessed for archival by the Backup software. It manages the repositories of files to be archived, catalogues the recordings that have been archived and marks recording file status on the recording disks.

For additional information on our Archive Data Manager, click here

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