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Calibration Software


Calibration Package

DSPCon’s Calibration Software Package integrates a calculation calculator, relational database and database editor to provide an extensive calibration system that characterizes all of the components in your data acquisition instrumentation stream individually. It can perform end-to-end channel calibration or calibration of the data acquisition system and any attached signal conditioners and transducer devices as separate components. Components can be calibrated statically or with frequency-dependent characteristics. The database component of the Calibration Package provides persistent storage of the calibration data, including calibration values and such auxiliary information as calibration dates and device conditions.

  • Performs automatic amplitude and frequency calibration, checks and compares calibration data and saves component calibration data to a relational database.
  • Provides persistent storage and relational database for accessing calibration and other device information

For additional information on Calibration software, click here

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